Much still needs to be done

For 14 years, Labor Spring Organization (LSO) has been at the forefront of supporting women and families across Afghanistan. We have made 32,253 lives better through our programs. Our mission began as a response to humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and as a way to empower and support Afghan displaced and vulnerable.

Our Work

We work for a better future

Environment &

Education &

Health &

The Documentary of our success

The story of our impact

Learn detailed data about us and our partners' global projects and meet the people who are the center of our work.


In 2020, when the world has experienced a pandemic situation due to outbreak of a Novel Corona Virus (being called COVID-19), Afghanistan also has been affected by COVID-19 pandemic....

Our Partners and Donors

We cordially thank our valuable donor who has supported us for several years. We are generally trying our best to deliver the services effectively and efficiently.
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